Supercharge your Product Hunt Launch with Hexus Demos

Congratulations on your upcoming Product Hunt launch! Elevate your launch page with interactive Hexus demos that showcase your product's true potential.

Hexus AI - Your AI creator for engaging product demos & docs | Product Hunt

Your AI Artisan for Engaging Product Demos & Docs

Effortlessly create interactive product demos, videos, step-by-step guides, and more in minutes. No need to juggle multiple tools - Hexus is the new stack for driving engagement and conversion.

Stand Out

Capture the PH Community's attention with engaging, interactive demos

Show, Don't Tell

Let users experience your product firsthand

Boost Conversions

Turn visitors into eager early adopters
Interactive Product Demo

Win Product Hunt with a compelling interactive product demo

Compelling product walkthroughs are key to Product Hunt Success. Drive 10x more engagement with Hexus interactive demos.

Showcase your product on launch day

Highlight your core value proposition, and walk users through an immersive guided tour. Take them to your website with CTAs embedded in the demo.

Generate awareness and buzz

Use our interactive product demos to create excitement pre-launch. Share via email, website, or social media directly.
Dashboard mockup
Personalization variables

Increase engagement with custom variables

Create a unique, memorable experience for Product Hunt users by adding their name to your demo. Include personalized demos in your outreach campaigns, and win more upvotes.
Minutes for each demo

Multi-flow tours for personalized journeys

Create a playlist with multiple tours showcasing different use cases or features. Set rules to display the targeted tours to relevant customer segments based on referral tracking or any other data.
Dashboard mockup

Deliver 10x more in 3 easy steps

Seamlessly prep and record. Edit page content pre-capture, then add AI-powered voiceovers, CTAs, and forms post-recording - all in one intuitive workflow. No need to re-record every time you fumble.

Switch template in just a click into step-by-step guides, product launch blogs, or even technical documentation, without starting from scratch.

Embed or share links with powerful customization. Tailor content dynamically using URL parameters - adjust names, visibility, and more to match your audience's needs.