How to make a Custom GPT in ChatGPT

Build your own versions of ChatGPT for specific uses without coding
Make sure you are subscribed to ChatGPT Plus to access GPT 4 and Custom GPTs. Follow this guide to create your own - for example create your recipe generator, or a language tutor.
GPT conversations are private. Creators can't view chats. OpenAI monitors for harmful content, not data collection.
You can decide to control access to GPT, whether you want to make it public or private. However, your identity will be verified before publishing GPTs to the public store.
Where to find Custom GPT examples
Browse publicly shared Custom GPTs created by others from one of these options:
1. Get started with GPTs created by OpenAI
2. Perform a site search on ChatGPT through Google search
3. Check out these directories documented by John Rush on and Rowan Cheung on
4. Or, check out this GPT by that is made for finding other GPTs